Elegy for my Doubters

Why have you left school? Because I could not think anymore. Why have you left school? Because I have met life. Which clothes did you wear? I wore an orange-pink coloured summer dress and worn-out "Jesus slippers". Which clothes did you wear? I was naked. There was just a veil of headaches embosoming me. With whom did you spend your nights? I have spend my nights with many lovers. With whom did you spend your nights? I have spend my nights alone as usual. Why did you lie to me? I thought that I have spoken truth. Why did you lie to me? Because there is no lie more beautiful than truth. Why do you leave me? Because here is nothing else to do anymore. Why do you leave me? No idea. I never saw any reason for. How much time you give me to change myself? You shall not change yourself. I am exhausted and want on my hammock outside. Are you exhausted and want on your hammock outside? Yes, I am exhausted and want on my hammock outside.
Carmen K. Gross
Footage by CKG – Photograph “Green Tara”