Change of Prospect


Joy of going to the horses, today. Always accompanied by my friends Rita and Laura and Peggy the Boxer / German shepard female mongrel. Immediately at the wooden pass we receive cheerful greetings of the watchdog. Alike at the entrance something different is happening, which is unusual. Ludwig the gelding is bristling with anger, striking […]

Horse Aroma


I love horse aroma, which had been wrapping warmly my childhood. Back then in the countryside, it was smelling inevitably and elusively of warm droppings. Simply everywhere this kind of wonderful mist, which we had left behind. Snortling from a horses nostrils accommodated with me. I received friendly greetings from a horse, that invited me […]

Inner Child and New Venture


Am I anxious? About of what? Living ingenuously in the chaos of my life, feeling small and ridiculous. Reality or ignorance? Tightness and awkwardness within me, what the hey! This state of being I associate as cold and freeze. Self-limitation. Becoming aware of my breath. Breathing now, deeply, steadily and finely – inhaling and exhaling […]

Hello world!


Welcome – this is Carmen Gross. I am your motivational author giving you meaningful and recreational intervals to regain Well-Being and Happiness. Enjoy going on a journey through these lines. Have fun, discover and take it easy. To Your Success! Carmen K. Gross All themes in the subtitle Writing include a thread, which is represented […]