Twilight or the Dance of Life
Today, I was not able to smell your presence. Also, the perfume of your roses could not help, this was only a fresh taste that went through the motions in our situation, that is either tight, less enjoyable or comforting. Before you had enthralled, beguiled me with this gesture, but now I prefer atomizing my […]
Body Culture
My Body is my Home my architecture my pilot where goes the journey without my dress Where then will I go What constructions shall be done Which plane shall I mount What shall I become without this flexible willing instrument Whom shall I ask, research, develop when standing vis-à-vis unknown mountains with unexpected tidings or […]
There is courage in life There is courage in life view forward-facing I am looking forwardly and it looks like Rockefeller carved in stone over Hollywood Resilience is the Crux! Love and Confidence I am perservering it sounds like the concert of piano that I am giving strong & firm, tenacious – it smells like […]
Love and Peace I am an Eagle – focused, efficient, fast. Effortless I wing the skies and reach out with ease for height. With clear eyes I see my objective and peer it. I hold the spot. Inside I know what I want. Outside I realize how to achieve it with speed of light. There […]
Writing is like civilized relief in flow, in a culture of knowledge and scraps of words that is trying a bulky sign language for birthing a sticky mode of expression to accomplish a feeling of relief. Carmen K. Gross Footage by CKG – Photograph ArtWork “Office Tweak & Twist”
Contemplation – a thing – When we have met each other I see a corkscrew and it introduces itself as a piece of jewelry. I notice a tight knob, just like the one of an old knife carved in stone and beguiled by golden earthworms. Centered exactly here a spiral , a tunnel inserts as […]
Fly like an Eagle
I love the clear and full view above the clouds. With flying mankind has overcome successfully gravitation by speed and finest precicision instruments. Finally people can fly just like birds and they can find their way even higher than high clouds through the sky. Skilled Pilots and co-pilots are flying through any turbulences, currents, winds […]
Future Brains
I wonder about the evolution of the human brains. Positioned in our head it continues over the cervical spine, spinal column and coccyx from above to the bottom. Yet the embryos head seems virtually bombastic huge, just like a small mushroom, and the silhouette of the little body droll. Connected firmly with the earth. Outside […]
Future Self
I have a wonderful dream that is infatuating me. My face is turning up from close to scratch. It is clear and tightened smiling warmly. From behind light, just like a floodlight. I appear as a sophisticated lady – the new woman. I am very wealthy, substantial and I have impact. I know for certain […]
The Radiator
The appearance of the radiator was old and he wanted to recharge himself to look like new, actually he appears as single-bank or as multi-section radiator he gave Dr. Craft a ring sharing his wants for change of air, which was cold and dry, and his emotional state was charged and he wanted to deflate […]